Important PSA: 2008 was 7 years ago. Kids born then who are now attending school do not know a world without iPhones, a world containing CDs and CRTs and internet incapable of streaming video. The concept of dial-up and floppy disks are alien to them. Facebook has always been an ever-present part of their lives, dictating their social status and interaction. Phone calls are an ancient art to them, employed only when Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and SMS prove insufficient. Waiting more than five minutes for a response is excruciating, obeying the strictures of correct grammar and punctuation is a waste of energy.
And these children hold in their hands the tools that will shape humanity in the next generation and beyond.
What form will it take?
And these children hold in their hands the tools that will shape humanity in the next generation and beyond.
What form will it take?